How to use the TranscribeMe iPhone App BlogTranscribeMe AppUsing TranscribeMe How to use the TranscribeMe iPhone App The TranscribeMe iPhone App is designed to make it easier for you to search, share,…Transcribe MeAugust 22, 2012
Closed Captioning: An Opportunity for Content Producers? BlogVideo Marketing & Podcasting Closed Captioning: An Opportunity for Content Producers? Having the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) Organization and the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) knocking…Transcribe MeAugust 9, 2012
MicroTasking Audio Transcriptions BlogUsing TranscribeMe MicroTasking Audio Transcriptions I’m Alexei, the co-founder and CEO of TranscribeMe, and I wanted to spend this week’s…Transcribe MeAugust 2, 2012
How Crowd-Sourcing Delivers On The Promise Of SoLoMo (Social, Local & Mobile) BlogCrowdsourcing How Crowd-Sourcing Delivers On The Promise Of SoLoMo (Social, Local & Mobile) On Monday last week, TranscribeMe transcribed the Social Loco Conference 2012 that took place at…Transcribe MeJune 24, 2012
Podcast Transcription BlogVideo Marketing & Podcasting Podcast Transcription Since podcasting was launched back in 2004, usage and awareness has been gaining rapid momentum.…Transcribe MeApril 10, 2012
An Aid for English Language Learners BlogTranscription Services An Aid for English Language Learners I had done the bookwork, I knew a reasonable amount of the grammar, my vocabulary…Transcribe MeMarch 21, 2012
Opening up the world of hearing BlogTranscription Services Opening up the world of hearing She ran in the headlines for several weeks. Firstly it was the good news. New…Transcribe MeMarch 19, 2012
How TranscribeMe Crowd-Sourced Transcription Adds Value to Schools Academic TranscriptionBlog How TranscribeMe Crowd-Sourced Transcription Adds Value to Schools How TranscribeMe Crowd-Sourced Transcription Adds Value to Schools: Transcribe me is faster, easier, more accurate,…Transcribe MeFebruary 28, 2012
The Advantages of Crowd Sourced Transcription Services BlogTranscription Services The Advantages of Crowd Sourced Transcription Services Crowd sourced transcription services are available at affordable rates and provide superior quality to automated…Transcribe MeJanuary 25, 2012
Startup Weekend interviews Alexei Dunayev, CEO, TranscribeMe BlogConferencesTranscribeMe News & Updates Startup Weekend interviews Alexei Dunayev, CEO, TranscribeMe Startup Weekend: How do you know when someone is the right fit for your team?…Transcribe MeJanuary 18, 2012