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Standard Transcript

Standard transcripts go through both an initial layer of transcription, and then to our Quality Assurance Team to output our guaranteed 99%+ accuracy. These transcripts remove “umms”, “ahhs”, “likes”, “you knows”, and other filler words in addition to stuttering. Please note that with our Standard service, we do not correct grammatically incorrect language – we transcribe the audio exactly as it is.

Verbatim Transcript

Verbatim transcripts  go directly to our specially trained Quality Assurance (QA) team to deliver on our 99%+ accuracy guarantee. We capture speech exactly how it sounds. This includes all filler words, stuttering, and speech errors.

First Draft Transcript

First Draft transcripts pass through our initial transcription step, where a team of transcriptionists work on your content in-tandem. Your transcript does not pass through a final editing step like our Standard and Verbatim services. We remove “umms”, “ahhs”, “likes”, “you knows”, and other filler words in addition to stuttering. We do not correct grammatically incorrect language – we transcribe the audio exactly as it is.

Single Speaker Transcript

Single speaker transcripts have line breaks when there is a change in thought or topic.

Multiple Speakers Transcript

Multi-speaker transcripts have a line break each time the speaker changes. If you select to add timestamps and speaker IDs this will be placed at the beginning of the line break, with speakers marked as S1, S2, etc..

Automated Timestamps (beta)

We also offer a beta version of Automated Timestamps. This applies a timestamp at each speaker change, or at each thought change (for long monologues or single speaker files) without applying a speaker ID. It is available for English, Spanish, and French. Timestamp accuracy is dependent upon audio quality and is not guaranteed.

No Timestamps & Speaker IDs

If you do not wish to have timestamps and speaker IDs, select the option ‘Not Included’ and you will only have the paragraph breaks.